LAIPLA Goes to Court
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
LAIPLA is proud to present its 2019 LAIPLA Goes to Court Lunch
Join us for lunch at the First Street Federal Courthouse, where we will have an informal discussion with U.S. District Judges James Otero and Philip Gutierrez regarding the importance of intellectual property litigation, advice for new attorneys, and tips for experienced practitioners.
Limited Seating. Registration will sell-out quickly!
11:45 AM: Registration
12:00 PM: Discussion & Lunch
12:50 – 1:00 PM: Q&A
**Los Angeles Intellectual Property Law Association (provider # 2083) certifies that the LAIPLA Goes to Court event has been approved for MCLE credit by the State Bar of California in the amount of 1.0 hours.
Parking lot on West 1st Street between Olive Street and Hill Street (parking is not included in program registration pricing).
Includes boxed lunch & 1 hour of MCLE credit.
LAIPLA Member (Early Bird): $30 ($40 after December 6)
Non-member: $60 ($70 after December 6)
Pre-registration deadline is Friday, December 6th. After Friday, December 6th, the registration fee increases by $10. Cancellations must be received by the pre-registration deadline of Friday, December 6th.
Questions? Contact the LAIPLA office at office@laipla.net or call 323-285-1654.
Sponsorship? See LAIPLA Sponsorship Opportunities 2019-2020 for this event and others.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
11:45 AM – 1:00 PM
First Street Federal Courthouse
Room 10C, 10th Floor
350 West 1st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Contact the LAIPLA office at office@laipla.net or call 323-285-1654.