President Trump has already named Wilbur Ross as Secretary of Commerce-designate and on November 30, 2016, named Todd Rickets as his Deputy Secretary of Commerce-designate. Going down to the next ...
Today in Sonix Technology Co., Ltd., v. Publications International, Ltd.,__ F.3d __ (Fed. Cir. 2017)(Lourie, J.), where the trial court had held claims invalid for indefiniteness under what is now 35 ...
Today in Wi-Fi, One v. Broadcom Corp., __ F.3d __ (Fed. Cir. 2017)(order)(en banc), the court has granted an order establishing an en banc panel to answer the following question: ...
Congratulations to Vikrum Aiyer, who has announced his resignation as Chief of Staff of the Patent Office following truly distinguished service to the public. Congratulations, Vikrum! Hal
Last week at the PTO in Ex parte Itagaki and Nishihara, __ USPQ2d __, App. No. 2015-002702 (PTO Bd. App. Dec. 30, 2016)(Lorin, J.), a panel of the Board issued ...
The Itagaki opinion has sparked criticism. Perhaps the most extreme is penned by the author of America’s most popular patent law blog, Eugene Quinn: “[T]he Administrative Patent Judges that participated ...
Earlier today a report quoted popular patent blogster Eugene Quinn’s attack on the panel in Ex parte Itagaki: “[T]he Administrative Patent Judges that participated in [Itagaki] *** should be suspended or ...
“Drain the swamp!” That’s the theme of the day. An undrained swamp example at the Patent Office: The PTO 3.2 billion dollar budget (2015) is indeed a “swamp” with government waste. ...
The average Japan Patent Examiner grants more than twice as many patents as his U.S. counterpart, as explained in the attached chart. Why does a Japan Patent Examiner have higher ...
Amidst talk about patent cooperation amongst the several Offices of the world, a list of countries which have inventors accounting for more than two percent of U.S. filings is led ...