Following graduation from Princeton University with a degree in chemical engineering and Seton Hall with a Juris Doctorate, William Long had a successful first career as a corporate patent attorney, ...
Whither the era of the prominent New York powerhouse patent boutique? Since the1990’s many of the leading New York patent boutiques have disappeared through merger or otherwise. Kali Hays presents a view of ...
Today in Calhoun v. General Services Administration, __ Fed. App’x __ (Fed. Cir. 2016)(per curiam)(Prost, C.J., Moore, Taranto, JJ.), the panel provides further evidence that the court has too many ...
Congratulations to Herb Wamsley, recently appointed by Circuit Judge Richard Linn to the Advisory Board of The Naples Roundtable which the jurist chairs. About The Naples Roundtable: The organization is ...
Particularly since Bilski and continuing through its more recent patent-eligibility cases, the Supreme Court undergirds its denials of patent-eligibility to the concept that patents “preempt” future research, which is contrary ...
Congratulations. Vikrum, the new Chief of Staff of the United States Patent and Trademark Office who had originally been brought to the Patent Office under then Under Secretary David J. ...
Bob Hillman was an accomplished patent trial lawyer who will be remembered as a principal architect of the transformation of a historic, modest-sized Boston firm into the national patent powerhouse ...
Concerns continue to be expressed over the Patent Office declaration of “holidays” responsive to the massive December power outage as lacking statutory basis. See Ryan Davis,USPTO Response to Power Failure ...
Today in Green v. Merit Systems Protection Board, __ Fed. App’x __ (Fed. Cir. 2016)(per curiam)(Lourie, Dyk, Hughes, JJ.), in the course of an affirmance of the MSPB, the panel demonstrated ...
The captioned paper explains the writer’s theory of patent drafting where the claims include Section 101-challenged subject matter, a “law of nature”, “natural phenomenon” or an “abstract idea.” The paper ...