A TTAB judge once told me that in 95% of Section 2(d) cases, one can predict the outcome just from looking at the marks and the involved goods/services. Here are ...
The USPTO refused to register the mark RAINFOREST NUTRITION for dietary and nutritional supplements [NUTRITION disclaimed], finding a likelihood of confusion with the registered mark RAINFOREST ANIMALZ for "nutritional supplements." The goods overlap and ...
Despite applicant's 40 years of use of the phrase "THE VITAMIN SHOPPE," the Board affirmed four refusals to register the mark THE VITAMIN SHOPPE & V Design (in four variations) for ...
Despite applicant's 40 years of use of the phrase "THE VITAMIN SHOPPE," the Board affirmed four refusals to register the mark THE VITAMIN SHOPPE & V Design (in four variations) for ...
The USPTO refused to register the mark INTEGRATED PERFORMANCE CARE SYSTEMS for, inter alia, chiropractic services [CARE SYSTEMS disclaimed], finding a likelihood of confusion with the registered word+design mark shown below, for ...
Denying Respondent Tru Development's abandonment counterclaim, the Board granted Petitioner Double Coin's petition for cancellation of a registration for the mark ROAD WARRIOR for tires, finding a likelihood of confusion with ...
PAVE: Promoting Awareness, Victim Empowerment filed a Section 1(b) application to register the mark SafeBAE for “Providing emotional counseling and emotional support services for victims of sexual violence." Shael Norris opposed, ...
September 30th was the last day of the USPTO fiscal year. Here are three of the five TTAB decisions issued on that day in Section 2(d) appeals. I'm not giving ...
The TTAB affirmed a refusal to register the packaging design shown below, for "socks," finding the design to be generic for the goods because consumers would primarily regard the design ...
Standing is a hurdle that TTAB plaintiffs almost always clear. Not this time. The Board dismissed this petition for cancellation of a registration for the mark OCALA HORSE PROPERTIES for “Real ...