Yours truly, the TTABlogger, will share the podium with TTAB Judge Lorelei Ritchie at a luncheon gathering of the Beverly Hills Bar Association, for a presentation entitled "The TTAB Comes ...
Jim Laughlin was leader within the patent community and was a named partner in Smith, Benoit & Laughlin. He held important positions in various bar associations and was a good ...
How Often Did the TTAB Affirm a Section 2(d) Refusal in 2015? a 2(e)(1) Mere Descriptiveness Refusal?
This weekend I went to the TTAB's FOIA page in an attempt to determine, or at least estimate, the percentage of Section 2(d) likelihood-of-confusion refusals and Section 2(e)(1) mere descriptiveness ...
The Trademark Trial and Appeal Board has scheduled five (5) oral hearings for the month of February, as listed below. The hearings will be held in the East Wing of ...
The Board, in a split decision, granted Applicant BOL Enterprise's motion for summary judgment, dismissing Opposer Independent Media's likelihood of confusion and fraud claims. Opposer's alleged priority was based use ...
Here is the second half of the TTABlog's "top ten" list of 2015 TTAB decisions. Part 1 may be found here. If you would have selected other cases for the ...
Yours truly, the TTABlogger, has once again chosen the ten TTAB decisions that he considers to be the most important and/or interesting from the previous calendar year (here, 2015). This ...
The Board batted away another bogus fraud claim in this consolidated opposition and cancellation proceeding, but perhaps more importantly it ruled on an important point regarding the filing of Statements ...
Yours truly, the TTABlogger, will share the podium with TTAB Judge Lorelei Ritchie at a luncheon gathering of the Beverly Hills Bar Association, for a presentation entitled "The TTAB Comes ...
Which law firms filed the most oppositions in 2015 (and 2014)? [Well, let's see .... Who represents Major League Baseball? Monster Energy?] The folks at Towergate Software have compiled a ...