The Supreme Court did not grant certiorari in any of the patent cases today. But, the Court didgrant certiorari in a highly publicized trademark case: Today in “The Slants” case, Lee ...

Rejecting Abandonment by Naked Licensing, TTAB Sustains 2(d) Opposition to LUCKY DILL for Restaurant Services
The Board sustained this opposition to registration of LUCKY DILL in the design form shown below, for food kiosk and restaurant services, finding it likely to cause confusion with Opposer's ...
Registration is now open for our annual conference. This is a main event of the Naples Roundtable, a nonprofit corporation with the mission to “explor[e] ways to strengthen and improve ...
Heaven Hill Distilleries petitioned to cancel Cricket Hill's registration for the mark HOPNOTIC for "beer" on the ground of likelihood of confusion with the registered mark HPNOTIQ for "liqueur." Heaven ...
Bill Weigl was a leader of the late twentieth century Cleveland patent community who rose to the position of Corporate Patent Counsel at Harris Corporation. He served in leadership positions ...

Precedential No. 26: Finding a Repeating Pattern Not Distinctive, TTAB Affirms Failure To Function Refusal of Hookah Ornamentation
The Board affirmed a refusal to register the proposed mark shown below, consisting of a repeated diamond pattern applied to the lower third of the cylinder of "electronic hookahs," deeming ...
Next week in Helsinn Healthcare the Federal Circuit will entertain oral argument to determine whether the secret commercialization of a process invention under Metallizing Engineering remains barred under the Leahy ...
Mark your calender for the USPTO's National Trademark Expo to be be held on October 21st and 22nd at the Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium, 1301 Constitution Ave. NW, Washington, D.C. ...
With the Supreme Court yet to open its doors for its first hearings next week, the Court has already granted three petitions for review: Samsung v. Apple will be argued October ...
Further to the Sept. 22nd email, the fundamental problem with the American grace period is the different approach taken versus the European Patent Convention and the Japan Patent Law: In ...