Yours truly, the TTABlogger, has once again reviewed the TTAB's FOIA page in an attempt to estimate the percentage of Section 2(d) likelihood-of-confusion refusals that were affirmed by the Board. I counted 235 ...
This is the second of two posts; the first five selections were posted here yesterday. Additional commentary on each case may be found at the linked TTABlog post. The cases are not necessarily listed ...
The TTABlogger has once again fearlessly (?) chosen the ten (10) TTAB (Tee-Tee-Ā-Bee) decisions that he considers to be the most important and/or interesting from the previous calendar year (i.e., 2019). ...
R. Griffith "Griff" Thomas, Editor-in-Chief of Allen’s Trademark Digest, has filed the following report regarding the recent TTAB oral hearing in In re WCM Industries, Inc. On Tuesday, January 14, 2020, ...
A (currently serving) TTAB Administrative Trademark Judge once said to me that one can predict the outcome of a Section 2(d) appeal 95% of the time just by looking at ...
Chief Judge Rogers has announced that two new Administrative Trademark Judges have been appointed to serve on the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board. They will commence their duties on February ...
A divided Board panel affirmed two refusals to register the standard character mark DENIM & CO. for various clothing items made of materials other than denim, on the grounds of deceptiveness under ...
Despite partly identical services and overlapping customers and channels of trade, the Board dismissed this opposition to registration of the two word+design marks shown below, for "underwriting and administration of ...
The USPTO refused to register the mark MAGNUS for "whiskey, gin and distilled spirits," finding the mark to be primarily merely a surname under Section 2(e)(4). Examining Attorney Kevin G. Crennan ...
The USPTO refused registration of the mark ORIGINAL GRAIN in the form shown below, finding it to be merely descriptive of restaurant services. The Examining Attorney contended that "“the term original ...