LAIPLA Annual Meeting 2020
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
LAIPLA Invites You to Our Annual Meeting:
The Intersection of Patents and Trade Secret – Understanding Strategic Decisions in IP Protection and Assertion
Please join us for a panel discussion between Sharre Lotfollahi, partner at Kirkland and Ellis, Jim Pampinella, senior managing director of Ankura Consulting, and Michael Guilliford, Founder of Soryn IP Group and Soryn Capital, moderated by Vinny Ling, attorney at Munger Tolles and Olson. The panel will discuss practical considerations in deciding how to protect intellectual property and how those decisions shape later litigation. We hope you can join!
LAIPLA Member: $10
Non-Members: $20
Students: Free
LAIPLA In-House Members: Free
Judiciary: Free
Sharre Lotfollahi, Kirkland & Ellis
Sharre Lotfollahi is a partner in Kirkland & Ellis’ Intellectual Property Litigation Group and focuses on disputes involving trade secret, patent, trademark, and copyright, including licensing disputes regarding intellectual property. She has represented clients in disputes involving athlete tracking, online customer service, medical devices and implants, gaming software and hardware, television shows, textiles, food products, computer components, smartphones, hard disk drive manufacturing, wireless technologies, and motor vehicle accessories. Sharre has been a member of seven trial teams, including serving as a first-chair on two trials. At trial, Sharre has conducted direct and cross-examinations of fact and expert witnesses. She has argued numerous motions, including at trial, and managed numerous other trial activities. She led a trial team on behalf of low-income tenants against slumlords in South Los Angeles. See ‘Tenants in building cited for housing violations settle for $2 million, LA Times.
Jim Pampinella, Ankura Consulting
Jim Pampinella is a Senior Managing Director in the San Francisco office of Ankura Consulting and a national expert on complex commercial litigation matters, specializing in intellectual property strategic consulting and disputes. Mr. Pampinella, a Certified Public Accountant in the state of California, has experience in a wide variety of industries including computer hardware and software components, medical equipment, aerospace, hospitality, publishing and consumer products. Mr. Pampinella has testified as an expert on damages in deposition, trial (Federal and State court) and arbitrations and has presented at mediations. He has also presented to the Licensing Executives Society and the Practising Law Institute and has lectured on accounting and finance issues at the School of Engineering at Stanford University. Mr. Pampinella also serves on the planning committees of the Advanced Patent Law Institute and the Intellectual Property Institute held by the Berkeley Center for Law & Technology/Stanford Law School and the University of Southern California Gould School of Law, respectively. Prior to rejoining Navigant Consulting, he led the Northern Pacific Intellectual Property group for Deloitte Financial Advisory Services LLP (“Deloitte FAS”). Prior to joining Deloitte FAS, Mr. Pampinella worked for Navigant Consulting and Coopers & Lybrand (n/k/a PricewaterhouseCoopers) providing economic, financial and damage consulting services on commercial litigation matters.
Michael Gulliford, Soryn IP Group and Soryn Capital
Michael Gulliford is the Founder of Soryn IP Group and its sister company Soryn Capital. Formerly a partner in the patent litigation group at Kirkland & Ellis LLP, Michael left his law practice and founded Soryn to serve innovators in a broader capacity. At Soryn, Michael is a trusted partner and investor to a number of the world’s most prestigious universities, law firms, companies, and inventors. He has been behind a number of the most talked about patent deals in the world, and he has repeatedly been recognized as one of the Leading IP Strategists in the World.
Michael holds an undergraduate degree in Neuroscience from Columbia University and a law degree from Seton Hall University School of Law. Michael is regularly asked to speak and publish on the latest patent and litigation finance developments.
Vinny Ling, Munger, Tolles & Olson
Vinny Ling is an associate at Munger, Tolles & Olson, with a practice focusing on intellectual property litigation and counseling, including patent infringement and trade secret matters. He has represented clients across a range of industries, spanning biopharmaceuticals, wireless communications, and computer technologies. He has experience handling patent and trade secret litigation on behalf of both plaintiffs and defendants, including at trial. In 2019, he represented Amgen in obtaining a favorable settlement on the eve of a trade secret trial, resolving a dispute brought against Coherus BioSciences involving the oncology drug Neulasta®. Other experiences include advising clients on due diligence regarding intellectual property rights and representing amicus curiae at the U.S. Supreme Court.
2020 Nominees For the Board And Officers
Pursuant to Article 8.2 of the LAIPLA Bylaws, the 2020 LAIPLA Nominating Committee has selected the following slate of nominees for presentation and approval by vote by Active Members at the 2020 Annual Meeting:
- President: Ted Chandler, Sidley Austin LLP
- Vice President: Ashe Puri, Maynard Cooper & Gale
- Treasurer: David Randall, Hackler Daghighian Martino & Novak
- Secretary: Erica Van Loon, Lathrop GPM
- Past-President: Sarah Brooks, Venable LLP
Returning Directors
- Erol Basol, Kubota & Basol LLP
- Helen Omapas, Harman International Industries, Inc.
- Graham Cole, Munger Tolles & Olsen LLP
- Chris Jackson, Warner Bros. Entertainment Group
- Jacob Zodieru, Arent Fox
- Ted Chandler, Sidley Austin LLP
- Ashe Puri, Maynard Cooper & Gale
- David Randall, Hackler Daghighian Martino & Novak
- Erica Van Loon, Lathrop GPM
- Sarah Brooks, Venable LLP
Incoming Directors
- Natasha Daughtrey, Goodwin Procter LLP
- Hans Mayer, Knobbe Martens
- Xinlin Li Morrow, Morrow Firm
All of the new Director nominees have consented to serve, as have the returning Directors and Officers.
This year’s Nominating Committee consisted of the following LAIPLA Past Presidents: Laura Burson, Sheppard Mullin (333 S. Hope Street, Los Angeles, CA 90071); Mark Treitel, Quinn Emanuel (865 S. Figueroa Street, 10th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90017) and Scott Hansen, Viking IP Law (19431 Sierra Santo Road, Irvine, California 92603).
LAIPLA encourages all members to attend the Annual Meeting and to get involved in LAIPLA.
In addition, the Board has approved proposed new bylaws to be voted on by Active Members at the 2020 Annual Meeting. The proposed new bylaws can be reviewed here: 2020 Proposed New LAIPLA Bylaws (PDF)
LAIPLA encourages all members to attend the Annual Meeting and to vote on the new bylaws and the nominees for the Board and Officers. If you are a member and would like to vote, but cannot attend the Annual Meeting, you can send your proxy to Dave Randall at dave@hdmnlaw.com before June 10.
Questions? Contact the LAIPLA office at office@laipla.net or call 323-285-1654.
Sponsorship? See LAIPLA Sponsorship Opportunities 2020 for this event and others.
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
12:00 – 1:15 PM
Webinar (link to be sent the day prior to RSVP’d attendees)
Contact the LAIPLA office at office@laipla.net or call 323-285-1654.